Random Acts of Kindness 不經心的善舉

【Random Acts of Kindness 不經心的善舉】
#中英文都是個人隨筆 #連結文讀後心得 #不是翻譯作品不想完全對照😊
Based on the limited info in attached article, we may agree/disagree with the author’s approach toward her client(s). Despite that, encountering someone providing a pair of listening ears, a piece of advice, or an extra mile of walking in the midst of our confusion or critical life events can be one of those uplifting moments when looking back years later. Some of the empathetic companionships may eventually become our lifetime friends or even mentors. These types of experiences are not just memorable but can be an influence, if not a comprehensive impact, toward the course of a life.
However, if you are not yet lucky enough to meet any special individual like this along life path, do not despair. The lucky table can always be turned around. Being that special person for others is an option to change the entire picture.
Start with random kindness. Seemingly trivial acts of kindness may have profound impact.
You will never know which minute selfless behaviors can light up ways of others and lift up their spirits. And if you happened to get the chance to witness how a life eventually unfold as the way it meant to be because of that without sway by anyone or artificial effect (such as influenced by someone’s self-redemption), you may feel so fulfilling that the sense of meaningfulness might overflow in you as the best rewarding you can ever imagine.
Being that special someone elevating sinking hearts can be one of the sources of happiness of the lost souls you meet as well as the one of yours.



象徵語言(Figurative Language)— 1

象徵語言 —— 明喻(Simile)
